Earn up to 10% Discount
Silver Level
Receive a 5% discount on all full-priced products when your total spend through the PE Club reaches over £50.
Gold Level
Once your spend with the PE Club reaches £200, you will receive a 7% discount on all full-priced products.
Platinum Level
Spend £500 and receive a 10% discount on all full-priced products NOW and on future orders.
Alternative Currencies
For Customers ordering in USD the tiers are as follows:
Silver: $75
Gold: $275
Platinum: $675
For Customers ordering in AUD the tiers are as follows:
Silver: $100
Gold: $375
Platinum: $950
For Customers ordering in CAD the tiers are as follows:
Silver: $75
Gold: $350
Platinum: $850
For Customers ordering in EUR the tiers are as follows:
Silver: 50€
Gold: 250€
Platinum: 600€
For Customers ordering in NZD the tiers are as follows:
Silver: $100
Gold: $400
Platinum: $1000
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