Hacking Out Down-Under - Blog Take Over - Lisa Alderson

Horse riding in Australia - tips for safe hacking

"We do a fair bit of trail riding in Australia. Those that live in the country can usually ride out from their front gate, but those that live in suburbia or live on busy roads, often have to float to parks and forests that allow horses, to get that well needed bush ride. We usually share those tracks, not only with other bush users, but various types of unique Aussie wildlife, some cute and friendly, some quite deadly!"

"Two days before Christmas I decided to ride out in Bunyip State Park with two friends, there is a nice 10k loop track, and safe float unloading area in the forest. We unloaded, saddled up, and I popped on Allies Premier Equine Kevlar Airtechnology Tendon Boots".

"We always boot in hard shell boots to ride out, we quite often have to navigate around fallen trees, the boots protect against sharp sticks, plus the tracks are gated and locked with steel cavaletti to cross to allow horse access, but still keep out cars and motorbikes. The Kevlar Airtechnology Tendon Boots are perfect for this, protection without overheating! Little did I know that my decision that day to use my Premier Equine boots, was going to save my horses life!"

"By the time we had reached the halfway point we had already encountered some of the locals, a couple of wild deer, the obligatory kangaroo, and a beautiful big Lace Monitor lizard that came out of nowhere and shot up a tree and caused all three horses to spook!"

"We had just reached the end of the loop and had turned for home. We were riding on a loose rein along a cleared fire road, with grass verges slightly higher than the road."

"Out of the corner of my eye I caught movement to my left and we all heard a thud, I looked down just as the rider behind me yelled SNAKE! To my horror, coiled on the grass verge was a Tiger snake, one of the world’s most deadly snakes, coiled and flared, ready to strike again. Thankfully at the first strike Allie had stepped sideways, and Lauren behind me was able to pull up in time to go around out of range."

"We pulled up a few meters up the road, and Tara jumped off her horse to check Allies leg for blood, Lauren had seen the strike hit and was pretty sure that the snake had struck the hard shell of Allies Premier Equine boot, rather than sinking it's fangs into her leg, the thud we all heard was the strike on the boot. I spent the rest of the ride back to the float watching carefully for any signs of weakness or wobbliness in Allie."

"I feel so thankful that I made the decision to ride in those boots, we were still a long ride from anywhere we could seek vet attention, if Allie had not been wearing her Kevlar Airtechnology Tendon Boots that day, I doubt I would still have my mare!"

We are so glad that Lisa, Allie and all of the horses and riders are fine after their close encounter with a deadly tiger snake. Lisa's experience really highlights the different challenges that us riders face in different parts of the world while riding out.

The Kevlar Airtechnology Tendon Boots have a double density shell providing outer protection, with layers of Kevlar and shockproof materials to minimise the effects of knocks or strikes. Ventilated neoprene helps to prevent heat build up and exterior vents allow maximum breathability.

Fetlock Boots to match available to purchase separately.

Also available: Techno Wool Tendon & Fetlock Boots.

Our Top Tips for Trail Riding & Hacking Out

  • Let somebody know where you are riding out, and approximately how long you will be. Especially if you are riding out alone.
  • Take your mobile phone with you, and make sure it is well charged for emergencies.
  • If the area you are riding in is new to you, see if it has a track with signs or find a map and plan your route before you set off.
  • Dress appropriately, ensure you and your horse will be a comfortable temperature.
  • Be aware of the local wildlife and be considerate of where you ride.
  • Be protected. Always wear a correctly fitting helmet and ensure your horse is protected from knocks and scrapes with protective boots.

Enjoy the outdoors, and have a safe ride.

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